Pizza Sauce Prices in Pakistan (Latest Guide)

In the lively world of Pakistani food, let’s talk about something that might not always steal the spotlight: pizza sauce. It’s a big deal! Prices range from Rs. 350 for Shangrila Pizza Sauce to Rs. 690 for a 1kg TAZO Pizza Sauce, giving you plenty of options. Each brand brings its unique flavors to the mix.

Now, don’t underestimate the power of pizza sauce – it’s the real hero behind a tasty pizza. It’s not just a topping; it’s the base that adds flavor, and moisture and holds everything together. Whether you’re a pizza expert or just enjoy a slice now and then, the quality and cost of the pizza sauce can seriously impact your pizza adventure.

As the pizza sauce scene continues to evolve in Pakistan, both regular folks and businesses must grasp the ins and outs of the prices. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about understanding how the dynamics of pizza sauce prices affect your pizza experience. So, the next time you savor a pizza, remember, there’s more to it than meets the eye!

Pizza Sauce Prices in Pakistan

Average Price of Pizza Sauce in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the usual cost of pizza sauce hovers around Rs. 579. This average comes from looking at various brands you can find. Take Shangrila Pizza Sauce, for example; it goes for Rs. 350. Mitchell’s Pizza Sauce is priced at Rs. 105, while Key Brand Pizza Sauce sits at Rs. 200. If you fancy Salman’s Pizza Sauce, a pair of 370gm packs will set you back Rs. 624. Now, TAZO Pizza Sauce is a bit fancier, reaching Rs. 690 for a 1kg pack.

These different prices show the variety in the market, where brands cater to different budgets. It’s worth mentioning that these costs might change based on where you buy them, the area you’re in, or if any special deals are going on. So, the next time you’re eyeing that pizza sauce, keep an eye out for these details to get the best deal.

Popular Pizza Sauce Brands in Pakistan

BrandPrice (PKR)
Shangrila Pizza Sauce310, 350, 345, 190
Dipitt Pizza Sauce355, 375, 405, 413, 370
Salman’s Pizza Sauce375, 395
TAZO Pizza Sauce690 1kg
Trandoz Pizza Sauce350
Mitchell’s Pizza Sauce105

The Impact of Pizza Sauce Quality on Price

The price of pizza sauce depends a lot on how good it is. If it’s made with top-notch ingredients like extra virgin olive oil, fresh tomatoes, and herbs, it can get a bit more expensive. But here’s the thing: just because it costs more doesn’t always mean it tastes better. 

The popularity and price of the sauce also get a boost from the brand name. Well-known brands usually charge more because people trust them for quality and consistency.

Now, let’s talk about why sauce matters. It’s a crucial part of the pizza, affecting how it tastes and whether people like it or not. That’s why pizza makers often spend more on top-notch sauces – it ensures the pizza ends up delicious.

But wait, there’s more to the story. The price of pizza sauce can also go up because of external things like how much it costs to get the ingredients and how much people want it. For example, if the price of tomatoes goes up, the cost of pizza sauce is likely to follow. 

And if more folks suddenly want pizza sauce, maybe because of changing eating habits or more people grabbing fast food, that can also make the price go up. It’s like a little pizza sauce economy!


In Pakistan’s rich food scene, pizza sauce stands out. Prices range from Rs. 350 to Rs. 690, making it accessible to various consumers. The sauce’s quality, shaped by its ingredients, has a big say in its cost. Yet, brand recognition and availability also impact how popular and pricey it becomes.

While cost matters, sacrificing the sauce’s taste and quality isn’t wise. The sauce is crucial; it can make or break the pizza’s overall flavor. So, finding a balance between cost, quality, and taste is key for both pizza lovers and makers.

With the pizza sauce market expanding in Pakistan, grasping these details is crucial. Whether you’re a pizza expert, a casual eater, or a business owner, understanding what affects pizza sauce prices lets you make smart choices, ultimately enhancing your pizza experience.

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